Times and people About me. Swedish lifestile.

My photo
Jamtland, Sweden
I left everything behind: my country, friends, my lovely son and my dog. I fell in love and got married to a Swedish man. Now I'm in the middle of Sweden and that is what I think and feel. Everything I trust to my blog.

Friday 2 April 2010

She became famous.

Thursday 1 April 2010

There is something else to add to the previous day. I thought about helping people in the way to our last minute when we would probably suffer from not expressed love or not being helpful in proper time or we forgot to say a particular word. Everyone has that uncompleted things. There is no person on the Earth without blinds. And I pray to God to forgive me these blinds and misscarriages, my bad attitude.
Today is Pure Thursday. We usually clean our houses, wash all the things in and out, go to church and pray for purifying our souls as Maria-Magdalena washed the feet of Jesus Christ with her long hair, so we should "wash another person's feet" showing that there is somebody better than me. And always we should think that we are nice people but there is our neighbour (our next), who is much better. The best what we can do is to serve people in the way to our last minute... There will be nothing behind us, only our deeds...