Times and people About me. Swedish lifestile.

My photo
Jamtland, Sweden
I left everything behind: my country, friends, my lovely son and my dog. I fell in love and got married to a Swedish man. Now I'm in the middle of Sweden and that is what I think and feel. Everything I trust to my blog.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Ah, University again!

 It's obvious that no one that come to Sweden from abroad can be employed as a teacher or a higher position employee. I am trying to break up the model without success yet. So my decision was to continue education at Umeå University. There is an unqualified job so people work there without any education at all. Some of them are former junkeys or alcoholics. Well, I am not. I just do not suit the society model. There regrets come in very often that I was born. I cannot sleep and cannot eat. At least it will be the last year to procede with education. Should I move to the other place? Where? How? I feel insecure and scared. Let's see tomorrow.